Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 1 & 2, Very long, Rewarding Days!

After a sleepless night, I woke up to a 6 a.m. wake up call. Can we say EARLY!!  Get up, shower, breakfast, and head to the airport. Weigh our bags, check in, and wait...
We left DC at 12:00 noon (US time, 8am in Addis). I was exhausted, but couldn't sleep! I was now going on a total of 6 hours of sleep, in 72 hours. Wow! For people that know me well, that usually doesn't cut it. I'm the girl that requires 8  hours every night or I don't function so well, and if I'm being 100% honest I am a little grumpy! But oh well, who needs sleep right? I have been waiting for this trip for a year. I was pumped!!
I watched the most amazing sunrise through the plane window. God makes everything so beautiful! A long 13 hour plane ride, no sleep, but I was so anxious to be there!!

We arrived in Addis and I step off the plane to, "the smell of Ethiopia," as I was told. It is a smell I will never forget and nothing like I have ever smelled before. We go through customs, get our Visa's, and then a guard tells us to go ahead through security. Then as we do we were asked to come back. This turned into a 5 hour ordeal of going back and forth with officials. It ended with half our group sitting outside the airport and half inside, waiting, and waiting, and waiting..  They finally let us go after going through all our bags, a million questions, and anxiety among the group. What a way to start our journey. We finally made it to the guest house where we settled in and then spent the afternoon playing with the kids that lived near the house. Tin-sia was a favorite! Abenezer walked up to me, clothes ripped, and his shoes falling apart, so I took him in the guest house and gave him new clothes and shoes. What a great way to start my trip!
There were lots of little boys outside wanting to play each day, but very few girls. Clay, Tucker, and Andy had fun playing soccer with them! To see their sweet faces light up made my day! God is good!! Bed early, 8:00... I finally slept 12 whole hours!! Yay!

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